Preload Configuration Properties

The Preload Configuration Properties table lists the Preloader properties that are related to an object, cache, and tranche.

Preload Configuration Properties
Property Name Description Value
Object Properties
Preloader Size Specifies the number of record objects preloaded on startup. This limit is applied to each object type specified for each repository. Size does not apply to ENTERPRISE and CATALOG objects.

The default 0 value indicates that all records are preloaded.

Any valid integer.

Default value is 0.

Preloader Company List Indicates a list of comany names for preloading on startup. If you do not specify a company name, preload is skipped and immediately the server starts.

The default * value indicates that all enterprises data is preloaded.

Note: The value specified for the Preloader Company List property should correspond to the value specified for Preloader Repository Name List property.

Any valid company name.

Default value is *.

Preloader Record Types Indicates a list of object types to be cached on startup. By default, all objects are loaded. If you do not want to load an object, remove the object from Configurator. For more information on each record type, refer to Preloading Record Types. The default objects are:








Preloader Repository Name List Indicates a list of repository names where the record data should be cached on startup. For example, CUSTOMER.

The default * value indicates that all repositories are preloaded.

Any valid repository name.

Default is *.

Cache Control Properties
Preloader Cache Bulk Threading Enable Indicates whether or not cache bulk load can create new threads.

If hardware supports multiple threads, set the value to true.

Valid values are True or False.

Default is true.

Preloader Cache Batch Size Size of the batches for cache bulk preload. Bigger the number, more heap is needed. This number depends on the memory allocated to JVM. You can set it to either 1000 or 2000.

To apply this property, you must enable Preloader Cache Bulk Threading.

Default value is 1000.
Tranche Control Properties
Preloader Tranche Enable Enables tranche creation for processing very large volumes. For information on tranche, refer to Preload of Large Data Using Tranche. Valid values are True or False.

Default is true.

Preloader Tranche Size Size of each tranche for processing very large volumes. Any valid integer.

Default value is 100000.