Downloading Generated Report

After you specify the matching attributes in the MatchRecordRule.xml file and the scheduler job configuration details in the CronSchedules.xml file, the GenerateReportForSDD activity generates a report for the scheduler duplicate detection process.

This activity uses the text format. The job runs in the scheduled time and the report is generated.

You can use the JasperReports tool to generate dynamic content. The JasperReports generator sample file is provided at $MQ_HOME/common/standard/samples/DQprocess/ To compile and merge the Jasper code, refer to the Word document, "Merging Jasper Report.doc" located at $MQ_HOME/common/standard/samples/DQprocess/


  1. Click the Auto Duplicate Detection Post Process link in the Event Log screen.
  2. Click File Download. The File Download dialog is displayed to save or open the text file.
  3. Click Save to download the file.
  4. Open the text file to view the duplicate records. If duplicate records do not exist, the text file contains only the specified enterprise name and matching attributes.
    For more details on the GenerateReportForSDD activity, refer to the TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference guide.