Configurable Variables Used in the Plug-In Selection

The following are the configurable variables used in the plug-in selection:

  • ConnectorRole —This variable identifies the role an organization plays on a given datapool, namely, Supplier, Retailer. The ConnectorRole used can be configured using a rulebase pointed to by the Configurator > Connector > Connector Role Rulebase option. It is also possible to specify the role directly as a workflow parameter to the IdentifyProtocolOperations activity. 

The rulebase itself uses 4 variables:
Where a sender organization is the organization that is trying to send the message (usually a SUPPLIER or RETAILER). The receiver organization is usually the marketplace or the trading partner who is to receive the message.
  • ConnectorProtocol — This variable identifies the protocol to be used while communicating with a datapool. It differs based on the datapool, that is, 1Sync or Agentrics. The ConnectorRole used can be configured using the rulebase pointed to by the Configurator > Connector > Connector Role Rulebase option.