ZipFiles Parameters and Valid Execution Modes

The valid execution mode for ZipFiles is SYNCHR.

The parameters of ZipFiles are as follows:

ZipFiles Parameters
Name Semantics Type Valid Values Multi-plicity
Direction: In
SourceDir (Mandatory) Refers to the directory which contains files to be zipped. string Any valid directory name. 1
FileName (Mandatory) Indicates the name of the target zip file. string Any valid file name. 1
Todir (Optional) Refers to the target directory, which is relative to MQ_COMMON_DIR/Temp.
Note: If Todir is not specified, CreateDateDir must be specified as true.
string Any valid directory name. 0..1
CreateDateDir (Optional) Creates the date for a directory. If true is specified, the files are placed in a directory structure yyyy/mm/dd/k. k indicates hours 1 - 24. boolean True and False

Default is False.

TofileExt (Optional) Indicates an extension of the target file. string Default is zip. 0..1
DeleteSource (Optional) Indicates whether or not you want to delete the source directory after compressing it. boolean True and False

Default is True.

Recurse (Optional) Indicates whether or not you want to compress the directory recursively. boolean True and False

Default is True.

RelativePath (Optional) Refers to the relative path.
  • If you specified the path, the path of the files or directories to be zipped are retained as per the specified path. For example, if the path is set to /user/local/common/Work and if SourceDir is set to /user/local/common/Work/2003/Jan, then all the sub directories and the files under this directory are zipped with the path starting with 2003/Jan.
  • If the path is not specified, the path of the files and sub directories are removed.
string Default is null. 0..1
eventState (Optional) Indicates the latest state of the event. string Predefined state:DONE. Custom states can be defined in the DOMAINENTRY table. 0..1
Direction: Out
FileName Name of the compressed file.