Conventions of Naming

TIBCO MDM provides a large number of resources, including data repositories, data sources, synchronization profiles, and synchronization formats.

TIBCO recommends using a naming convention for each type of object. The following are the recommended suffixes for each type of object:

  • Repositories: None
  • Back end Systems: BS
  • Data sources: DS
  • Input Maps: IM
  • Output Maps: OP
  • Classifications: CS
  • Synchronisation Formats: SF
  • Synchronisation Profiles: SP
  • Subsets: SB

TIBCO recommends providing a descriptive name. The name of data sources, for example, should reflect where the data source is getting its data and from what type of data it contains. Studio projects can be assigned a prefix based on the project’s containing enterprise. For example, PR1 for a project from enterprise 1 and PR2 for a project from enterprise 2.

Ensure that all repositories are given a table name instead of using generated table names. Specifying table names makes the names consistent across different environments (development, test, production). Using generated table names can lead to portability issues. The table name you specify must be unique in the database schema. The naming convention for table names is to prefix it with a project acronym. For example, a customer table name can be E2_CUSTOMER where E2 is the project name.

By following these it should be possible to give unique names to each resource in TIBCO MDM that reflects its type, function, and the enterprise to which it belongs.