Other Errors

Other Errors
Error Code Error Description
XML-8621 Cannot translate XML <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>; invalid XML or XSLT specified.
XML-8623 Cannot resolve XPath <Parameter name='XPATH'> for document <Parameter name='XMLDOCUMENT'>. Node type <Parameter name='XMLNODETYPE'> and node name <Parameter name='XMLNODENAME'>.
XML-8624 Invalid XML specified. File '<Parameter name='FILENAME'>' cannot be parsed.
XML-8625 Invalid XML specified. File '<Parameter name='FILENAME'>' not a valid MLXML document.
JMS-8401 Error interacting with JMS server; review JMS setup. Error code <Parameter name='ERRORCODE'>. Additional information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
JMS-8402 Error processing message. Error reported by class <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> method <Parameter name='METHODNAME'>. Additional information: <Parameter name='ERRORMESSAGE'>.
CACHE-12000 Cache manager failed to remove/put data from/in cache. Programming error or cache subsystem failure.
CACHE-7561 Repository space <Parameter name='NAME'> already exist. Specify unique name.
CACHE-7562 Invalid repository space name <Parameter name='NAME'>. Specify unique name.
CACHE-7563 New repsository space '<Parameter name='NAME'>' will be created.
CACHE-7564 Space definition mismatch occurred. Space already exist in metaspace, please check your current node CacheConfig.xml configuration to make sure that all space parameters are same across all nodes.
CACHE-7565 MVT_SHARED_SPACE cache object configuration is missing in cache configuration. This configuration is required for repository spaces.
CACHE-7566 Exception (Activespace Exception) occured. Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CACHE-7567 ActiveSpaces security exception occurred . Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
CACHE-7568 ActiveSpaces security authentication exception.Invalid ActiveSpaces authentication type <Parameter name='NAME'>. Only X509V3 & USERPWD are supported. For other type authentication, write custom implementation of IMqActiveSpacesAuthenticator interface.
CACHE-7569 Unknown type of implementation of ActiveSpaces <Parameter name='NAME'> . Class must extend/implement <Parameter name='CLASSNAME'> class/interface.Please check the documentation for your custom implementation.
INF-7560 Specify workflow request XML file to process resubmitted event. Upload workflow request file, else workflow request of event '<Parameter name='EVENTID'>' will be used to process resubmitted event.
QE-13501 No data selected for export.
QE-13502 No email address configured for you.
QE-13503 Error occured during quick export. Additional info: <Parameter name="EXCEPTIONMESSAGE">. Contact administrator to resolve the error.
SCH-13601 Scheduler integration exception. Contact administrator to resolve the error.
SCH-22601 Scheduler management exception. Contact administrator to resolve the error.
HIB-8100 Hibernate error is <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>.
HIB-8101 Hibernate Mapping error. No mapping file defined for Hibernate to map to database.
HIB-8103 The transaction is not active or no JNDI bound transaction was found.
HIB-8104 Hibernate error. Could not parse mapping document from resource <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.
DT-14001 Failed to parse DT XML : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>
DT-14002 Failed to initialize DT : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.Additional information: <Parameter name="EXCEPTIONMESSAGE">
DT-14003 DT <Parameter name='FILENAME'> not found. Ensure file exists.
DT-14004 Mismatch between column size and defined headers size for row <Parameter name='NAME'>.DT Name : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>
DT-14005 Lower bound and upper bound required for Between operator for row <Parameter name='NAME'> and column : <Parameter name='VALUE'>. DT Name : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>
DT-14006 Error in executing DT : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>.Additional information: <Parameter name='EXCEPTIONMESSAGE'>
DT-14007 Failed to convert <Parameter name='NAME'> to NUMBER. DT Name : <Parameter name='FILENAME'>
JSON-18000 Failed to write output to JSON.
JSON-18001 Failed to read input payload JSON object.