Process Records Service - Inputs

Specify the following inputs for batch processing of records and determining which workflow is to be started:

Inputs and Description
Input Name Description
Repository Specify the repository name. The web service validates that the specified repository exists.
InputMapName, DatasourceName, DatasourceFile, SubsetName, ClassificationSchemeName, SynchronizationProfileName Specify the input map name, data source name, data source file name with valid exetnsion, such as .csv or .txt extension, subset name, classfication scheme name, and sychronization profile name. The web service validates the specified objects.
Note: These inputs are used only if you have specified the repository name.
Rulebase and RulebaseInputParameters Specify the rulebase file name relative to MQ_COMMON_DIR. The file name must include an .xml extension. This is an optional input. If specified, use only one rulebase.

Specify any number of name value pairs for rulebase input parameters. These values are passed in as is in a workflow request document. Extract the values using xpath, and then pass them to any activity which needs it. The rulebase input parameters are not validated. However, if the value is empty, the parameter is skipped.

DocType and DocSubType The values are passed as is to the workflow request document.
EventType and EventDescriptor The values are passed as is to an event.
SequencingAllowed Specify true or false to indicate whether or not the sequencing is allowed. If you specify true, sequencing key is added to an event.
SequencingKey Specify the sequencing key to sequence the jobs along with the order in which jobs are submitted.
ProcessID Specify the relative path of a custom workflow. Do not include.xml extension of a workflow file. The workflow document must be a valid mlxml document. For example, standard/workflow/wfin26catprocessrecordsample3v1
PartioningKey Specify the partitioning key for partitioning of data. The partitioning key is validated to ensure that it is a number.
Along with these inputs, you can specify the following two context variables:
  • ValidateOnly
  • ConfirmImmediately
For information on the ValidateOnly and ConfirmImmediately parameters, refer to TIBCO MDM User's Guide.
Note: While validating inputs, ensure that the inputs are validated before the document or an event that is created or persisted.