Defining a New Queue for Incoming Messages

When a new queue is defined for receiving messages, you need to define:


  1. A communication context to assign identifying attributes to incoming messages on the queue, or use an existing communication context.
  2. A Receiver Manager for the messages. This receiver is used by TIBCO MDM to receive messages on an internal queue. A queue can have only one receiver manager.
  3. An unmarshaling pipeline to define how to extract the payload from the message and how to read message headers.
  4. Sender manager to send messages from the TIBCO MDM to external queues. There can be more than one sender manager, each encapsulating a logical queue.
  5. A marshaling pipeline to create messages before the sender manager sends messages to the application. This marshaling pipeline converts messages per application requirements, and can be different for each logical queue.
  6. Receiver manager in the application to receive messages. In most cases, you can reuse the out-of-box receiver manager.


All messages are forwarded from external queues to TIBCO MDM on one queue, CommStandardInboundIntgMsgQueue. No other queue needs to be set up.

Incoming Message Process