MessageHeader Elements

The following tags are common to all <MessageHeader> elements. Note that all examples assume a namespace definition of:


See XML Schemas and Namespaces for more detail on the namespaces used.

The <MessageHeader> has the following attributes defined:

<MessageHeader> Attributes
Attributes Description
@eb:version Always has a value of 2.1.
@eb:mustUnderstand Indicates whether the recipient must understand all components of this message.

1 indicates yes, 0 indicates no.

The following table lists the <MessageHeader> elements:

Other <MessageHeader> Elements
Element Name Description
<From> and <To> These elements identify the sender (From) and receiver (To) of the message. These elements are mandatory.
<PartyId> The <PartyId> element uniquely identifies the sender or receiver of the message by specifying a “type” attribute and an identifier. The “type” attribute is otherwise known as the domain of the identifier.

Examples are GLN, DUNS, and so on.

For incoming message processing, TIBCO MDM supports only one identifier - GLN. For outgoing messages, the default identifier is GLN but any other identifier can also be used.

Multiple “type” identifiers are allowed. The <From> and <To> tags can contain multiple <PartyId> tags, each with a different “type”, but identifying the same party. This allows different systems to use different types to identify the same party. See PartyId Element Example.

<Role> The <Role> element is not used at this time.
<CPAId> The CPAId (Collaboration Protocol Profile ID) is used to identify the parameters governing the exchange of messages between parties.

The value is, currently, NotApplicable as no such agreement is required at this point of time.

<ConversationId> The <ConversationId> is the same for a related group of messages. This field is currently not used.
<Service> and <Action> The <Service> and <Action> tags map to the “Business Process” and “Specific Action” that this message is used for.
  • The valid value for the <Service> tag is Catalog for Catalog related messages
  • The valid value for the <Action> tag is Synchornize to synchronize data with trading.
<MessageData> The data in these elements uniquely identify the message.
<MessageId> This contains a unique string for the message. It is unique across TIBCO MDM instances.
<Timestamp> The time the message was created. The format is UTC.
<TimeToLive> The time when the message expires. The format is UTC.

If the message expires, an error message with the TimeToLiveExpired error code is sent to the Sender.