Restricting Access to Entitlement Information

To restrict an user from getting entitlement information, run this query in the SQL editor.


  1. Create the function in the function table:
    insert into FUNCTION values ((select max(id)+1 from FUNCTION),'allow_view_entitlement', 'Allow viewing entitlement information', ' allow_view_entitlement');
  2. Identify for which role the function is to be restricted:
    insert into ROLE2FUNCMAP(ID, ROLEID, FUNCID, NAME,PRIORITY)values((select max(id)+1 from ROLE2FUNCMAP),ROLEID, FUNCID, 'allow_view_entitlement',PRIORITY);
  3. To inactivate or disable the function allow_view_entitlement for a particular user, restart the server after running the query. Similarly, when you want to enable the allow_view_entitlement function for a particular user, restart the server after running the query.