Creating a Consolidated JAR File with Third Party Libraries

For EMS related libraries, create a consolidated JAR file with the third party libraries. Other JAR files are created during installation.

Ensure the $JAVA_HOME/bin is set in the environmental variable PATH.


  1. Create a third party folder in your local drive and copy all the third party libraries in the folder.
  2. Go to the third party directory using the command prompt. For example: cd ../thirdparty
  3. To create a JAR, for example, ThirdParty.jar, run the following command:
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar -cfM ThirdParty.jar *.jar

    This command creates a JAR file of all the .jar files located in the third party directory.

    After creating JAR files with the third party libraries, you need to merge the third party libraries with ECM.ear post TIBCO MDM installation. For information, refer to Performing Postinstallation Tasks for Typical Installation.