UI Performance

UI performance degrades if the cache is incorrectly sized. If the cache is small, the user and authentication information may be evicted, which causes reloads.

Use JMX to check the cache statistics to see how the various caches are performing. Use the appropriate cacheConfig.xml file. Three samples are supplied.

You can customize the search but adding too many search attributes to the screen clutters up the screen and make it slow to draw. UI performance can degrade and client CPU consumption can increase to 100%. Configure only the attributes that matter instead of adding all fields.

Optimizing rulebases is the key to record UI performance. Use context variables, CHANGED and RECORD_ACTION to limit the rules applicable.

Event log and inbox performance depends on default filters, including rows per page. Reduce the rows per page to mitigate the issue.

Control what you can see, especially the hierarchy and the relationships. Showing less data is better.

UI performance also depends on the browser version and network load. Your browser’s version has a huge impact on performance and note that older browsers tend to run slower. Upgrade to the latest version or use another browser to mitigate the issue.