Cache Configuration of Query Summary

The CacheConfig.xml is updated for the query summary cache object. The file is available in the $MQ_HOME/config folder.

The following example shows the configuration for the query summary object type:
	<Description>This space maintains MDM queries summary info</Description>
	<!-- Assummed every minute statistics will be copied. Storing data for 30 days-->
For information on the cache attributes listed in the CacheConfig.xml file, refer to the "Cache Configuration section" in the TIBCO MDM Installation and Configuration Guide.
The following example shows how to create cache indexes while defining the space for the query summary object type:
	<Description>This space maintains MDM queries summary info</Description>
	<!-- Assummed every minute statistics will be copied. Storing data for 30 days-->
The index type TREE is required on the RUNDATE column because Rest API requires query summary for the specified minutes. The available index types are HASH or TREE. For information on the index type, refer to TIBCO ActiveSpaces Developer's Guide.