Workflow Customization

Each workflow activity is controlled by a rule - an encapsulated piece of business logic that specifies parameters for a record.

For example, the Notification activity might use a rule such as "All notifications from Retailer1 must be routed to the VP of Sales."

The SpawnWorkflow activity can start a new workflow based on a given workflow template. You can modify one of the existing standard workflows, using it as a template, rather than building a new workflow from scratch.

For example, in the New Record Introduction Edit (NRIE) workflow, all new product introductions and modifications are routed to the responsible parties for data entry and approval. You can use the SpawnWorkflow activity to customize the standard NRIE workflow. The SpawnWorkflow activity initiates and routes one or more new events; you can configure the type of event and determine who is notified about it. You could structure the workflow so that, in addition to notifying the responsible parties about new products, when a new product is confirmed, a "publish" workflow is started and the record is sent to the data pool.