
If you encounter an error while working with Test Framework, you may resolve some of the common issues by completing the troubleshooting procedures.

Issue Description Solution
Aborting Test Suite For Delete Enterprise Solution When you delete an enterprise, the following error is displayed:
Aborting suite because Delete Enterprise has failed. Verify whether or not you have provided the correct database credentials in the file.
Null Pointer Exception Solution If a configuration file name or path is incorrect, or any parameter is missing, the following error is displayed after executing the command:
Java Nullpointer Exception Ensure that you have provided the path of the existing test case or test step in the configuration file.
Deployment Failed Solution Deployment failed with error.

ERROR_SERVERSQL-8202: Failed while executing SQL statement. SQL state 72000. Database specific error code (if any) was 1430. Database error message (if any) was: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table

Set the statement cache size to 0. An incorrect setting results in a TransactionRolledback Exception. This setting is specific to the Windows operating system. To change the statement cache size on Windows, select the following in the Websphere console: Resources JDBC providers JDBC driver Data Sources (Version 4) Data source Connection Pool Statement Cache Size.