Creating Participant of type Host

After creating participant of type Partner, create a participant of type Host.


  1. Click BusinessConnect > Participants.
  2. Select Host in the Participant Type drop-down list and specify a name to the participant in the Participant Name field. Click OK.
  3. In the General tab, specify all relevant details, select the Active check box to activate the participant.
  4. Click CredentialsNew Private Key tabs. Specify the alias of the key, upload the private key (public key of which has sent to Partner). Click Save.
  5. In the Protocols tab, click the Enable tab and select the EZComm protocol check box and click OK.
  6. In the Protocols tab, click the newly enabled protocol EZCommAS2 Identifier > Add new link. In the AS2 Identity field, specify GLN on data pool. Click Save to save the Participant.