MatchRecord Activity

The MatchRecord activity performs the following:

  • Retrieves a source record list as an input and matches each source record against the existing repository data.
  • Runs a fuzzy search query and returns potential matches.
  • Identifies a matching record provided in a set of matching attribute criteria.

Based on the MatchingThreshold set in the MatchRecord activity, the output of the workflow is as follows:

  • If one match is found, it is assumed that the match describes the same semantic record and the new record is merged into the existing record as a new version.
  • If no match is found, the record is assumed to be a new one and is introduced as a new record in the repository.
  • If multiple matches are found, a work item page is displayed where you can select one of the choices displayed. For more information, refer to Work Item.

The workflow for adding a single record for the Data Quality process is shown in the following diagram:

The workflow for bulk import is shown in the following diagram:

Cross-Repository Matching

The following workflow illustrates the Cross-Repository Matching process using the MatchRecord activity:

Reference Repository Matching

The following workflow illustrates the Reference Repository Matching process using MatchRecord activity:

For more details on the MatchRecord activity, refer to the TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference guide.