Purge Handle Cancellation Requests

In the Event Details page, purge can be cancelled. As soon as cancellation is requested, the event abandons any remaining purge and stop processing any further.

Before canceling of purge and during execution of purge, checks are done to see if event has been cancelled. Different purge handle cancellation request differently, as follows:

  • Purge of Records or Record versions: Check is done when each batch of records being purged is taken up for processing. If cancellation is detected, records sent for processing in the batch are ignored. Cancelation is also checked after each batch has been sent for processing and before creating new batch. If cancelation is detected, no more batches of records are created.
  • Purge of Metadata or MetadataVersions: Cancelation is also checked when repository metadata or metadata version is being purged. If cancelation is invoked, remaining repository metadata or metadata version purge is skipped.
  • Event Purge: Check is done when each batch of events being purged is taken up for processing. If cancelation is detected, events sent for processing in the batch are ignored. Cancelation also is checked after each batch of event is submitted and before another batch is created. This stops generation of batches for purge.
    • If purge is initiated through command line, you cannot resubmit it using the resubmit action on event log. When resubmit is attempted, it fails with an error message: GEN-7241: No workflow request document available for event <id>. Cannot resubmit event unless a new workflow request document is uploaded.