Recommended Naming Conventions (Name tag)

Follow the recommended naming convention.

The following is the recommended naming convention:

  • Business Process definitions used to process workflow requests generated by the application:
 wfinmlxmlVersionNumbershort name for the workflow actionvworkflowfile version number.xml. For example, wfin26productaddapproavalv2.xml is the workflow for processing record add. It is based on mlxml version 2.6 and this file has version 2.
  • Business Processes which are used to process workflow requests/messages received from other systems:
 wfout name of the sender, if anyversion number of protocol used by sendershort name for the workflow actionvmlxmlVersion numberworkflowfile version number.xml. For example wfoutsap30cin26.xml is used to process messages received by the application from SAP. The protocol version used for SAP is 3.0 and the mlxml version is 2.6.