BOM Class Methods

The methods listed in the table BOM Class Methods are available on the class object returned from the getClass(className) method of a factory, or the getClass() method of a BOM JavaScript object instance.

BOM Class Methods

Method Return Value Description
String[] Returns a JavaScript string array containing the names of all attributes for this class. These are names as defined in the BOM for this class and all of its super-classes. For complex children, these will correspond to the name of the association endpoint for the child.

This array should not be modified.

This array is the union of attribute names retrieved using getPrimitiveAttributeNames() and getComplexAttributeNames().

getPrimitiveAttribute Names()
String[] Returns a JavaScript string array. These are attributes with simple data types; i.e., primitive types and enumerations. These are names as defined in the BOM for this class and all of its super-classes. This includes both single- and multi-valued attributes.

This array should not be modified.

getComplexAttribute Names()
String[] Returns a JavaScript string array containing the names of all complex children of this class. These are names of the association endpoints for these children as defined in the BOM for this class and all of its super-classes. This includes both single- and multi-valued attributes.

This array should not be modified.

getAttributeType (attName)
  • attName: name of attribute.
String Returns the type for given attribute. This will either be the fully-qualified class name as defined in the BOM if the attribute is complex, or will be one of the following primitive types:
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Boolean
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Dates
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.DateTime
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.DateTimeTZ
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Decimal
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Duration
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.ID
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Integer
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Text
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.Time
  • BomPrimitiveTypes.URI
isAttributeMultivalued (attName)
  • attName: name of attribute.
Boolean Returns true if the attribute with the given name is a multi-valued attribute as defined in the BOM.
isAttributePrimitive (attName)
  • attName: name of attribute.
Boolean Returns true if the attribute with the given name is of a primitive type or enumeration. If it returns true, it will be a member of the array returned from getPrimitiveAttributeNames().