Creating Documentation from the Command Line

You can create documentation from the command line.

  1. Close the workspace that contains the project for which you want to generate documentation.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the TIBCO Business Studio executable file. For example:
       C:\Program Files\TIBCO\BusinessStudio
  3. Open a command window.
  4. Enter a command line including specification of:
    • Workspace
    • Project name
    • Output location

This will generate documentation for the selected file(s) and also an index page.

An example of command line invocation would be:

TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.resources.ui.documentation -data <workspace> -projectName <project name> -outputPath <output path>

If you do not want to see the TIBCO Business Studio splash screen then provide an extra argument (-noSplash) with the above command as:

TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.resources.ui.documentation -data <workspace> -projectName <project name> -outputPath <output path> -noSplash