Openspace Overview

Openspace is a web application that enables you to host gadgets and widgets. Gadgets and widgets are self-contained blocks of dynamic web content.

The term widget means a standalone block of web content. A gadget typically comprises one or more widgets. Here, the term gadget is used to describe web content that can be hosted in the Openspace environment.

Note: Google also uses the term gadget. However, we are referring to gadgets developed specifically for use with Openspace.

Using Openspace, you can add web content from different sources as gadgets and customize how they are displayed. Openspace provides a unified view of all your gadgets and acts as a gateway to your frequently used services.

Openspace allows you to:

  • add built-in gadgets that are developed, contributed and published by TIBCO developers, for example the Work Views and Business Services gadgets.
  • add third party gadgets that are published as social gadgets, for example Google Maps.

Using Openspace, you can select which gadgets you want to display and customize how they are displayed by choosing different layouts and themes. For example, you could choose to display native gadgets that have been developed by TIBCO, for example, the Work Views gadget and add them to Openspace alongside social gadgets like Google Maps.