Creating an Association Relationship Between Two Case Classes

Association relationships define potential relationships between two case classes - for example, customers and orders. From within a business process, you can use these relationships to create links between case objects, and to navigate those links when searching for case objects.

An association relationship must be bi-directional, and optional in each direction. (Neither end of the relationship can have a multiplicity value of "one" or "one or more".) You can define multiple associations between the same two classes, if appropriate.


The case classes that you want to associate must already exist.


  1. In the BOM Editor, click Association in the Relationships section of the palette.
  2. Click one case class and drag the relationship to the other case class.
    This creates a bi-directional association relationship between the two case classes. By default, each end of the relationship has the name of the destination class, with a multiplicity of 0..1. For example:

  3. For each end of the relationship, edit the Multiplicity Value and identifying Label/Name as needed to define the intended relationship. For example:
    Note: It is good practise to keep a relationship's Label and Name the same. This makes it easier to avoid mistakes when constructing, for example, an attribute path in the DQL query on a navigateByCriteria method.

What to do next

From within a process that references this case data model, you can use association relationships to:

  1. create association links between case objects of the related case classes. You can also delete association links when they are no longer required.
  2. navigate those links when searching for case objects.

Using the relationship shown above, this would enable you to, for example, find all orders placed by a particular customer on a particular date.