Business Services Keyboard Shortcuts

Openspace has provided keyboard shortcut keys for Business Services.

Click Keyboard Shortcuts in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to display the keyboard shortcuts.
Press To ..
To move to Business Services
Alt + Q Load Business Services
Toggling Menu
Down Arrow key Open a menu
Shift + Up arrow key Close a menu
Traversing the tree
Up and Down arrow keys Traverse the tree from top to bottom
Left and Right arrow keys Traverse the tree from left to right
Navigating to Recent and Favorite Tabs
Left arrow key Move left to Categories, Recent Categories and Favorite tabs
Right arrow key Move right to Categories, Recent Categories and Favorites
Alt + 1 Move to Categories tab from business services list
Alt + 2 Move to Favorites tab from business services list
Alt + 3 Move to Favorites tab from business services list
Alt + 1 Move to business services list from any of the Categories, Recent Categories or Favorites tabs.
Navigating the Business Services list
Up and Down arrow keys Navigate the business services list
Adding a business service to Favorites
A Toggle the Add to Favorites action
Working on Business Services
Enter Display the business service in the data grid.
Navigating the form
Enter Open a form
Escape Close a form
Moving between grid and table
Alt + L Move to data grid from the Business Services List
Alt + G Move to Business Services List from the data grid