Endpoint Address Construction

The construction of the endpoint address depends upon the type of WSDL document being used to expose the web service.

Generated (Abstract) WSDL Document

The URI path has the following format:



  • ContextRoot is an (optional) project-specific or workspace-specific prefix. See Setting a Common Context Root for Web Service Endpoint URIs for more information.
  • PackageName is the name (not the label) of the parent package that exposes the web service.
  • ProcessName is the name (not the label) of the parent process that exposes the web service.

The following example shows the URI path generated for a process called ClaimsProcess in a package called ProcessPackage, in a project which has a context root defined as /EasyAs/BPM (either at the project or workspace level):


The protocol, host and port components of the endpoint address are taken from the runtime configuration of the HTTP Connector resource template that is referenced by the HTTP Connector Instance property.

A Different Abstract WSDL Document

The URI path has the following format:



  • WSDLfileName is the name of the WSDL file.
  • portType is the name of the selected operation’s parent portType.

Concrete WSDL Document

The URI path is taken from the soap:address location element in the WSDL document.

The protocol, host and port components in the soap:address location element in the WSDL document address are taken from the runtime configuration of the HTTP Connector resource template that is referenced by the property.