Browsing Log Files

The Log Viewer browser allows you to quickly apply a temporary, additional filter to the displayed data. This is useful if you want to switch between different threads, or correlated events.


  1. Click Browser
  2. From the Browse dialog, select an attribute from the drop-down list.
    The list displays the attribute values for the attribute you selected.
  3. Select Filter based on browse settings.
  4. You can either:
    • Select one or more attribute values to filter on.
    • Select Select All to filter on all of the attributes.
  5. Select Include entries without attribute set to include log entries that have no value set for the attribute you selected.
  6. Close the dialog once you have set the Browser settings.
    The Log Viewer filters the log file accordingly.
  7. To remove the filter, click Browser > Unselect All and close the dialog.