Support for Local BOMs in Local Business Object Projects

From version 4.0 of Business Studio, you can no longer create a Local Business Object project. Local BOMs (whether user-created or generated) in existing Local Business Object projects created in pre-4.0 versions of Business Studio are still supported.

You can either:

  • continue to reference local BOMs in Local Business Object projects from BPM process projects, in which case they will be handled by ActiveMatrix BPM exactly the same way as in earlier versions. (When you generate a DAA for or deploy a BPM process project that references a BOM in the Local Business Object project, a BDS Plug-in corresponding to the BOM is generated and packaged as part of the DAA.)
  • move local BOMs or WSDLs into new or existing Business Data projects.
  • refactor the Local Business Object project into a Business Data project. (Right-click the Local Business Object Model project, select Refactor > Convert to Business Data Project, then click OK.)
Note: If you move or refactor local BOMs or WSDLs into Business Data projects, you must update any BPM process projects that reference those BOMs to reference them from their new location. It is good practice to only move or refactor local BOMs or WSDLs if you are making other significant changes to your process application.