XSD Export Validation Rules

If you have specified that business object models should be validated for export to XSD or to WSDL, the following rules are applied.

Rule Severity
Class cannot contain multiple ID attributes Error
Enum Literal does not match the required regular expression Error
Enumeration must contain a subset of Enumeration Literals as Enumeration Error
Class contains a duplicate attribute name Error
Primitive Type default value will be lost on transformation Warning
The current Destination ignores default values for Primitive Types Warning
Operations are ignored for the current Destination(s) Warning
Only Generalization and unidirectional composition are supported Error
Invalid Package name Error
Association Classes are not supported Error
constraint exceeded Error
Attribute default value exceeds Max Text Length Error
Attribute lower limit exceeds upper limit Error
Attribute lower limit exceeds default value Error
Attribute default value exceeds upper limit Error
Attribute lower limit value length exceeds max number length Error
Attribute upper limit value length exceeds max number length Error
Attribute default value length exceeds max number length Error
Attribute lower limit value has more decimal places than the maximum defined Error
Attribute upper limit value has more decimal places than the maximum defined Error
Attribute default value has more decimal places than the maximum defined Error
Attribute default value does not conform to defined pattern Error
Attribute's number of decimal places exceeds number length Error
Cyclic Dependency has been detected for this resource Error
Classifier exports to top level element and name cannot end with "Element" Error
PrimitiveType cannot be set to type Object Error
More that one attribute of type Object exists in Class hierarchy Error
Attribute type must be set Error
Cannot generalize a Classifier with XSD Notation attribute "final" Error
An attribute of type Object xsd:any must be the last in the parent's list of attributes Error
Attribute preceding Object xsd:any must have equivalent max and min multiplicity values Error
Attribute following Object xsd:any must have equivalent max and min multiplicity values Error
Object type multiplicity must be fixed if container Class is generalized Error

Setting Generation Preferences.