Configuring Which System Event Messages are Archived

You can specify which system event ActiveMatrix BPM messages are archived, by explicitly adding message IDs to the list of eligible messages given in the <messageIds> section of the ec_event_rules file.

If you do not explicitly specify system event message IDs in the ec_event_rules file, the system event message IDs that are archived are those specified in the autoarchiveSytemEvents property in the file. See Configuring How BPM Audit Messages are Auto-archived.

By default, all process instance events are archived. You cannot specify individual process instance event messages IDs.


  1. Find the CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration\ec_event-rules.xml file.
  2. Back the file up to a safe location.
  3. Open the file in an editor and locate the section from <channel name="default_archive" target="archive"> to </channel>.
  4. Locate the section from <messageIds> to </messageIds>.
  5. Add the message ID's that you want to archive.
    For example:
  6. Save and close the file. The changes take effect as soon as the file is next monitored for changes.