ActiveMatrix BPM: Sizing Configuration

Field/Button Description
Environment Type of sizing environment being set up. Choose from the options: Development and Production.

The sizing environment you choose in this field determines the default values provided for the remaining fields on this screen.

Default: Development entry: bpm.sizing.install.size (The property value can be either dev or prod.)

Database Connection Pool Size Number of database connections available for each of the ActiveMatrix BPM DataSource resource templates.

Development default: 10

Production default: 50 entry: bpm.sizing.database.connection.pool.size

Database Statement Cache Size Number of prepared statements that can be cached by each connection in the DataSource resource template pool. Caching prepared statements improves the performance but it uses more memory.

Development default: 10

Production default: 100 entry: bpm.sizing.database.stmt.cache.size

Number of Process Engine Threads Number of threads in the Process Engine background thread pool.

Development default: 5

Production default: 18 entry: bpm.sizing.pvm.threads

Max Java PermGen Size Maximum size for Java PermGen.

Development default: 256

Production default: 1024 entry: bpm.sizing.jvm.maxpermsize

Java Heap Size Range for the Java heap size.

Development default: Minimum: 512 Maximum: 1536

Production default: Minimum: 1024 Maximum: 4096 entries:

  • (Minimum) bpm.sizing.jvm.xms
  • (Maximum) bpm.sizing.jvm.xmx
Note: The value for Java Heap Size is a starting point. You should monitor the system under load and adjust this value if necessary. For more information, refer to TIBCO ActiveMatrix Performance Tuning .