SOAP API - completeWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - completeWorkItem.

Request Uses the completeWorkItem element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workItemID: ID of the work item to be completed.
  • version: (Optional) If it is omitted, the latest version is used.
  • workItemPayload: the complete body of the work item: data to be written to the work item as part of the Complete action.

    See Valid Format for DataModel for information about the valid format.

  • getNextPiledItem: (Optional Boolean) If work items are piled, passing true causes this method to retrieve the ManagedObjectId for the next work item. You must then call allocateAndOpenWorkItem to open the work item. For information about piled work items, see the TIBCO Business Studio Process Modeling User's Guide.
Response Returns a completeWorkItemResponse element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
         <workItemID id="66" version="2"/>
               <inputs array="false" name="IssueDescription" type="String">
                     <value>Needs info</value>
               <inputs array="false" name="IssueDetails" type="String">
                     <value>Model 888</value>
               <inputs array="false" name="ContactPhone" type="String">
               <inputs array="false" name="ContactName" type="String">
                     <value>Ben Greer</value>
               <inouts array="false" name="ResolutionDescription" type="String">
               <inouts array="false" name="ResolutionDetails" type="String">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <completeWorkItemResponse xmlns="">
         <nextWorkItem id="60" version="4" xmlns=""/>