Creating an LDAP Authentication Resource Template

The LDAP Authentication resource template defines the authentication details of the LDAP directory server you want to use.

Create the LDAP Authentication resource template with the following properties:

  • Name - The name must use the format amx.bpm.auth.LDAPAlias, where LDAPAlias is the LDAP alias you specified when creating the LDAP Connection resource template (see Creating an LDAP Connection Resource Template), for example, amx.bpm.auth.corporateHQ.
  • Scope - Set the Scope of the resource template to Application, and select the instance of the BPM application for which this template is to be scoped.
  • Server URL - Specify the URL that provides the host and port number on which the LDAP directory server is listening for connections. This should match the host and port number you specified in Provider URL when you created the LDAP Connection resource template.