Utility Methods

The table lists the methods for the Util class.

Util Class

Method Return Value Description
tibco.forms.Util.checkDateFormat (String value) 
  • value: string containing the date value
Boolean Checks whether the date passed as a string is in the forms date edit format (that is, ISO-8601 date format) or not.

It returns true if the date is in the required edit format, and false otherwise.

tibco.forms.Util.checkDateTimeFormat (String value)
  • value: is a string date-time value
Boolean Checks whether the date-time passed as a string is in the forms date-time edit format (that is, ISO-8601 date-time format) or not.

Returns true if the date-time is in the required edit format, and false otherwise.

tibco.forms.Util.checkInteger(String value)
  • value: is a string value to be checked
Boolean Checks whether the specified value is a valid integer or not.

Returns true if the value is a valid integer.

tibco.forms.Util.checkLowerLimit (String value, String lowerLimit, Boolean lowerLimitInclusive)
  • value: is a string value to be checked
  • lowerLimit: is a string value specifying the lower limit
  • lowerLimitInclusive: is a boolean value. If true, the lowerLimit is inclusive.
Boolean Checks whether the value is numerically greater than lowerLimit, or if lowerLimitInclusive is true, greater than or equal to lowerLimit.

Returns true if the value satisfies the lower limit constraint.

tibco.forms.Util.checkMultiplicity (Object value, Integer lowerBound, Integer upperBound)
  • value: is an object (array or list) to be checked
  • lowerBound:is an integer value specifying the lower bound
  • upperBound: is an integer value specifying the upper bound. Set upperBound to -1 to signify an unbounded object.
Boolean Checks whether a multi-valued object (array or list) has at least lowerBound and at most upperBound elements.

Returns true if the constraints are satisfied.

tibco.forms.Util.checkNumberConstraint (Object value, Integer totalLength, Integer decimalLength)
  • value: is an object to be validated
  • totalLength: is an integer value specifying the maximum number of digits
  • decimalLength: is an integer value specifying the maximum number of digits following the decimal place
Boolean Validates whether the value parameter has no more than totalLength digits and at most decimalLength digits following the decimal place.

Returns true if the value conforms to both totalLength and decimalLength constraints.

tibco.forms.Util.checkNumeric(String value)
  • value: is a string value to be checked
Boolean Checks whether the specified value is a valid number or not.

Returns true if the value is a valid number.

tibco.forms.Util.checkRegExp(String value, RegExp regExp)
  • value: is a string value to be tested against regExp
  • regExp: JavaScript RegExp object with which the value is to be tested
Boolean Validates a value against a regular expression.

Returns true if the value matches regExp.

tibco.forms.Util.checkTextLength (String value, Integer length)
  • value: is a string value to be validated for length
  • length: is an integer value specifying the maximum length
Boolean Checks whether the specified value conforms to the given length constraint.

Returns true if the length of the specified value is less than or equal to the given length.

tibco.forms.Util.checkTimeFormat (String value)
  • value: string containing the time value
Boolean Checks whether the time passed as a string is in the forms time edit format (that is, ISO-8601 time format) or not.

Returns true if the time is in the required edit format, and false otherwise.

tibco.forms.Util.checkUpperLimit (String value, String upperLimit, Boolean upperLimitInclusive)
  • value: is a string value to be checked
  • upperLimit: is a string specifying the upper limit
  • upperLimitInclusive: is a boolean value. If true, the upperLimit is inclusive.
Boolean Checks whether the value is numerically less than upperLimit, or if upperLimitInclusive is true, less than or equal to upperLimit.

Returns true if the value satisfies the upper limit constraint.

tibco.forms.Util.compare(String value1, String value2)
  • value1: first value to compare
  • value2: second value to compare
Integer Compares two strings lexicographically and returns an integer that represents the comparison between the values:
  • returns < 0: value1 less than value2.
  • returns 0: value1 equal to value2.
  • returns > 0: value1 greater than value2.

    This method is for use by the custom control wrappers only and is not supported in JavaScript Editor.

tibco.forms.Util.copy(Object arg)
  • arg: the BOM object you want to copy
copied object Creates and returns a deep copy of the BOM object
tibco.forms.Util.copyAll(List list)
  • list: the list of BOM objects you want to copy
copied list Creates and returns a new list containing deep copies of the BOM objects in the original list
tibco.forms.Util.escapeHtml(String text)
  • text: text to be escaped
String Escapes HTML markup in the given text value so it can safely be embedded in the browser without the content being interpreted as HTML. Returns the escaped text value as a string.

This method is for use by the custom control wrappers only and is not supported in JavaScript Editor.

tibco.forms.Util.formatDate (String formatString, Object|String date)
  • formatString: a format string that conforms to the Java date format syntax, as used in the Forms framework
  • date: either a Date object or a string that conforms to the ISO-8601 date format
String Formats a date value according to the input format. Returns a formatted date value as a string.

This method is for use by the custom control wrappers only and is not supported in JavaScript Editor.

tibco.forms.Util.formatNumber (String formatString, Number|String number)
  • formatString: a format string that conforms to the Java number format syntax, as used in the Forms framework
  • number: a JavaScript number or a string containing a numeric value
String Formats a number object according to the input value. Returns a formatted number as a string.

This method is for use by the custom control wrappers only and is not supported in JavaScript Editor.

  • url: URL to the CSS resource. Relative URLs are resolved relative to the formsclient module.
URL Loads the Bootstrap.
tibco.forms.Util.substitute (String template, Object args)
  • template: containing substitution variables of the form {0}, {1}, .. {n}
  • args: string array containing values to substitute into the template. The first value in the array replaces {0} in the template, the second replaces {1}, and so on.
String Substitutes arguments into a string template. This is useful when generating markup for controls that need an initial DOM structure before being instantiated. This is common with libraries such as jQuery or YUI.

Returns a string with values substituted in the template.

This method is for use by the custom control wrappers only and is not supported in JavaScript Editor.