Exporting to DAA

You can export a project to a Distributed Application Archive. This is a suitable method for situations where you do not have authorization to export directly to the BPM runtime; for example, in a production environment where developers cannot deploy directly to a production server but can deliver the project as a DAA archive to be uploaded by those responsible for the production machines.

See the Administrator interface documentation for your BPM runtime environment for information on uploading DAA archives and for the completion of the deployment process using the Administrator interface in the BPM runtime.

Exporting to DAA may also be useful for troubleshooting.


  1. Right-click the project in Project Explorer and select Export > Distributed Application Archive (DAA) Export.
  2. The export wizard is displayed. Make sure that the correct project is selected. In the Destination pane the default choice Project specifies that the DAA should be sent to an Exports folder within the project. To export the DAA to a different location, select Path and specify the folder location.
  3. Click Finish. A progress meter is briefly displayed in the status bar. The DAA file is visible in the location specified.