Process Views Columns

The Process Views page is divided into columns that show you information about your process templates and process instances started from the process templates.

The following table describes the information that is displayed by default about process templates:

Column Name Description
Description A description of the process template. This is defined in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time.
Version Identifies the version of the process template.
Module Identifies the module name.
Note: You can sort and filter the list of process templates using Description or Version. See Process Templates Filters and Configuring Sort Criteria for more information.

If an instance of a process is started, the columns in the right-hand pane show you information about the process instances in your list.

Column Name Description
Id A unique alphanumeric value identifying this particular process instance.
State Indicates the current status of the process instance, see Refreshing the Process Template List .
Priority This is a numeric value that has been assigned to the process instance by an administrator. The numeric value assigns a relative importance to the process instance, which allows users to prioritize their work.
Starter The username of the Openspace user who started this particular process instance.
Start Time The date and time the process instance started.