Custom Interface Use Cases

This topic presents some use cases that can be achieved with the custom interface mechanism.

This is a representative list of possible use cases, but is not meant to be an exhaustive list:

  • Embed the TIBCO tibbr web interface into the master selection area of Workspace for general usage by the user. If a user selects a work item or process instance, automatically navigate the embedded tibbr interface to a filtered set of topics relating to the process instance or process template of the selected item, then display the tibbr interface.
  • Select a work item where one of the work item attributes contains the customer ID. Provide a toolbar button on the work item list that, when selected, shows a report from an external customer website that displays the order history for that customer. The display of the external website is embedded in the Workspace application and temporarily overlays the work item list, or is displayed in a separate dialog in Workspace.
  • Provide a toolbar button on the work item list that, when clicked, uses the value of one of the work item attributes of the selected work item to open a mapping website (like Bing Maps) to display a map of the address contained in that work item attribute.
  • Provide menus/toolbars that display TIBCO Spotfire reports for the selected work item or process instance. Or, from a selected event in the event viewer, display a TIBCO Spotfire report showing the work done by the Principle Name of the selected event. The report can be embedded in Workspace, or displayed in a separate browser window.
  • Provide a toolbar button on the process instance list that, when clicked, opens an external website into an iFrame embedded in Workspace that displays the regulatory documentation for that process.
  • Provide a toolbar button at the top level of the application that opens a TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub iFrame in a dialog embedded in Workspace that contains a customer's order processing web interface. The customer's order processing web interface could be modified to publish custom PageBus events that are subscribed to in the Workspace application. Upon receiving these PageBus events, Workspace could use the payload of the event to do things like start a specified business services, or display a list of process instances filtered by some attribute in the event payload (like customer ID).
  • Embed a custom TIBCO General Interface prototype into Workspace that provides an automated work delivery system that pushes the next available work item to the user (based on some filter) without directly exposing any work list to the user.