Launching Custom Interfaces

Custom interfaces are launched via custom menus and toolbar buttons that can be placed in various locations throughout the Workspace application. They may be configured to launch automatically when a menu item or button is selected. Or they may be launched from JavaScript methods, which provides the ability to apply logic and parameterization when invoking a custom interface. "Helper" methods are also provided to facilitate loading and placement of interfaces launched from JavaScript.

When launched, custom interfaces may be displayed in various areas of the Workspace layout, as well as in dialogs or separate browser windows. The location at which a custom interface can be displayed is dependent on the type of custom interface, and the location of the menu or toolbar button from which it is launched.

The launch mechanism, location, text strings and source of custom interfaces are defined in an XML file (customInterfaces.xml) that can be managed using the Configuration Administrator of the Workspace application. Each custom interface has associated user access elements, which provide the ability to grant or prohibit access to the interface for specific users, groups, or positions in the organization.