Adding Event Roles to a Non-Deployed Application


  1. Open the eventRoles.xml file, which is located as follows:


    • StudioHome is the directory in which TIBCO Business Studio was installed.
    • version is the version number of Workspace that was installed with TIBCO Business Studio.
    • WCCProjectName is the name of the General Interface Builder project that contains your custom application. If you are working with the Workspace application, this is “workspace”.
  2. Add a <Privilege/> element for the new role. For information about what to include in the element’s attributes, see Mapping Privileges to Event Roles.
  3. Save and close the eventRoles.xml file.
  4. Add a new subdirectory under the ...\eventRoles directory that matches the name of the role.

    The easiest thing to do is copy the default directory and rename it to the new role name.

  5. Copy the event configuration files to the new directory (they will already be there if you copied the Default directory in step 4).
  6. You can now configure each of the individual event configuration files for the new role by directly accessing those files and making the desired changes.