Work Item State Transitions

Work items go through transitions from state to state.

The following diagram and table show what transitions a work item goes through between states, and what operations from the Business Resource Management Services API are used to bring about each of the possible changes.

State Transitions
Note: The Business Resource Management Services API includes a number of private services which are intended only for internal use by the BPM runtime. These services should not be used by an external application.

State transitions caused by private API service operations have been omitted from the following table.

Start State End State BRM API Operation Description
Offered Allocated allocateWorkItem The offered work item is allocated to the specified organization model entity.
Opened allocateAndOpenWorkItem


The offered work item is allocated to the specified organization model entity and immediately opened.
Allocated Offered unallocateWorkItem The allocated object is returned to its original offered state.
Opened openWorkItem The allocated work item is opened.
PendHidden pendWorkItem (setting a hiddenPeriod) The allocated work item is put into the pendHidden state for the duration of the specified hiddenPeriod.

When the hiddenPeriod timer expires, the work item is returned to its original allocated state.

Opened Offered closeWorkItem The open work item (which must contain no data changes) is closed and returned to its offered state.
Allocated reallocateWorkItem The open work item is reallocated to the specified organization model entity. It will be in the allocated state.
Complete completeWorkItem The opened work item is complete.
Pended closeWorkItem (without a hiddenPeriod) The open work item is closed and any new data copied. It is then put into the pended state.
PendHidden closeWorkItem (setting a hiddenPeriod) The open work item is closed and any new data copied. It is then put into the pendHidden state.

When the hiddenPeriod timer expires, the work item is transitioned to the pended state.

Pended Allocated reallocateWorkItem The pended work item is reallocated to another organization model entity and put into the allocated state.
Opened openWorkItem The pended work item is opened.
PendHidden pendWorkItem (setting a hiddenPeriod) The pended work item is put into the pendHidden state for the duration of the specified hiddenPeriod.

When the hiddenPeriod timer expires, the work item is returned to its original pended state.

PendHidden Pended or Allocated pendWorkItem (cancelling a hiddenPeriod) A work item that was hidden using pendWorkItem is returned to the state it was in before it was hidden - pended or allocated.

A work item that was hidden using closeWorkItem is transitioned to the pended state.

PendHidden pendWorkItem (setting a hiddenPeriod) The duration for which the work item will remain in the pendHidden state is reset to the specified hiddenPeriod.
Note: A work item cannot be accessed while it is in the PendHidden state. See Accessing Hidden Work Items.