Application Roles Configuration Files

A number of configuration files are used to control how application roles are used.

The names of the files must be as follows:

File Description
RoleName.rol.json Role descriptor file.
Note: We recommend naming the file to match the role.
Note: If two different files have the same role, the filename can be different to the role. For example, you can have rolea.rol.json and roleb.rol.json (both containing the admin role). When this is processed the second copy of admin is ignored and you will get a warning. When deleting, if the first admin role is deleted, the second admin role is processed and displayed, so it can appear that the role was not deleted.

Application custom configuration file, where applicationName is the name of the application and accessLevel is the access level required to access this application.

ApplicationName.rcd.json Application default configuration file.
ComponentName.rcd.json Component default configuration file.

Component custom configuration file, where componentName is the name of the component and accessLevel is the access level required to access this component.

For example:
"name": "admin",
"description": "administrator role",ex
"applications": {
{ "name": "rolesShowcase", "accessLevel": "admin" }

The structure of the directory of configuration files is important. There is a separate .json configuration file for each application or component.

Note: The root folder contains the roles (.rol.json) and mapping file. Under this folder there are applications and components folders.
  • These need to match the path specified for the application or component in the role. So if the role refers to an application with the path /applications/myWorkApp, the configuration files for that application need to be in the applications folder and named as myWorkApp.xx ( xx could be .rcd.json or _admin.rac.json for example.).
  • The same applies for components. If the path is /components/component1 the files need to be located under the components directory.
  • You can create extra levels of structure, so if you want :/components/core and /components/extra you could create those folders and then specify the appropriate path in the role. The path must match the folder structure.

Application authors should provide a default configuration (.rcd.json) along with the application. Customised configurations are provided by deploying a new configuration file associated with a particular application/component.

For example myWorkApp can have a default configuration of myWorkApp_rcd.json.

To provide a customization of the myWorkApp deploy a customized configuration with the name matching to the ApplicationName_accesslevel _rac.json.