Tuning Properties

The remaining properties in the brm.properties file are intended only for fine tuning of system performance.

See properties.

Cache Sizes

You can set the size of various caches that the BRM component uses in processing work.

Several of these properties define the values of various ID sequence caches. See the section about sequence caching in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Performance Tuning Guide for the general effect of the size of ID sequence caches on system performance.

Note: However, it is unlikely that the default settings for these properties will require amendment. They are likely to be adequate for most systems.

The ID sequence cache properties, and the values they default to if not specified, are as follows:


The following properties control the batch sizes in which IDs are returned to user tasks so that they can create work groups and work items. The default settings for these properties are not likely to require amendment.


Batch Sizes

You can also set the batch size to return for the work group and work item batch interfaces. If no values are set for these properties they default as follows:


Thread Sleep Periods

The two thread sleep parameters control how often the background threads wake up to do work. Both properties are defined in seconds.

The workItemEventThreadSleep property sets the default sleep period for the BRM work item event thread. It is unlikely that you will need to change the default value, which is as follows:


The prepareForUndeployThreadSleep property sets the default sleep period for the BRM prepare for undeploy thread. It defaults to 25, but is delivered with the following value:


60 seconds might be more frequent than required for a production system, as it means the background thread will wake up every minute to check whether all work items have been completed.