
This method sets the locale of the application server. A “localeChanged” PageBus event is published to notify application components of the locale change so that they can reload and repaint as necessary to reflect the new language.




  • localeKey - (String) The lowercase, two-letter ISO-639 language code (ll), and optionally the uppercase (CC), two-letter ISO-3166 country code if the locale is country specific. If the country code is included, it must be separated from the language code with an underscore, in the form “ll_CC” (e.g., “es_MX” for Mexican Spanish).

    For a list of language codes, visit the following web site:

  • restart (Boolean) (Optional) Specifies whether or not the application needs to be restarted to apply the new locale.
    • If true, the new locale is not applied until the application is restarted. A message is displayed indicating that the application must be restarted.
    • If false, the new locale is applied immediately and application components are repainted to reflect the new language.


