
The updateDBScripts service updates the existing CREATE/UPDATE/DROP database scripts with any required changes.

Although editing the scripts is possible, TIBCO does not recommend this unless it is essential and there are only a few changes that you are allowed to make. See "Guidelines When Editing Database Scripts" in TIBCO Openspace User’s Guide for more information.

  • No validation is performed on the scripts when you edit them in Data Admin. This means it is possible to make invalid changes to your scripts.
  • If the CREATE script is changed (for example, index or foreign key names), then you must edit the UPDATE/DROP scripts, to reflect the changes.
  • If you have edited an UPDATE script and the business object model is updated, then the new UPDATE script that is generated restores the original values and settings. This means you must manually edit the newly generated UPDATE script with your original changes.
  • The request must specify the case model ID whose database scripts need updating and the new scripts that you want to use. You must include the entire script.
  • The response is an UpdateDBScriptsResponse that indicates success.
Required System Action
API Descriptions