The AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc Dashboard

The AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc Dashboard demonstrates the use of JasperReports Server domains and Ad Hoc reports to generate reports from the central event database tables in the ActiveMatrix BPM database. The reports display performance data for a selected process template for a given period of time. The dashboard is a JasperReports Server dashboard.

You can view the AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc dashboard from Jaspersoft Server.

The AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc dashboard provides a number of controls that you can use to tailor and filter the dashboard data.

Control Description
Process Template Shows the currently selected process template for which performance data is being shown.
Work Item Shows the currently selected work item for which performance data is being shown.
Reset Clear the currently selected Process Template and Work Item filter values and redraw all reports.
Select a different style of chart to display in the current report. This control is shown for each report.

The following table describes the Ad Hoc reports used in the AMX-BPM Statistics AdHoc dashboard.

Name Description
Outstanding Processes Shows currently outstanding process instances, grouped by process template name.

Click a process template name to filter the reports to only show data for that process template. The reports are redrawn and the selected template name is displayed in the Process Template control.

Outstanding Process Age Distribution Shows the number of outstanding process instances, distributed by age, for the selected process template.
Process Priorities Shows the number of outstanding process instances, grouped by priority, for the selected process template.
Outstanding Work Items Shows currently outstanding work items, grouped by work item name.

Click a work item to filter the reports to only show data for that work item. The reports are redrawn and the selected work item name is displayed in the Work Item control.

Outstanding Work Items Age Distribution Shows the number of outstanding work items, distributed by age, for the selected work item.
Work Item Priorities Shows the number of outstanding work items, grouped by priority, for the selected work item.