
This table lists the OrgModel attributes and methods provided.

Attribute / Method Comments
ouByGuid (guid:Text) : EntityDetail Returns the single EntityDetail that describes the Organizational Unit identified by its GUID. If no such Organizational Unit exists, the return value will be null.
ouByName(name:Text) : List<EntityDetail> Returns the list of EntityDetails that describe the Organizational Units identified by the given name. If no such named Organizational Units exist, the return value will be an empty list.
groupByGuid(guid:Text) : EntityDetail Returns the single EntityDetail that describes the Group identified by its GUID. If no such Group exists, the return value will be null.
groupByName(name:Text) : List<EntityDetail> Returns the list of EntityDetails that describe the Groups identified by the given name. If no such named Groups exist, the return value will be an empty list.
resourceByGuid(guid:Text) : EntityDetail Returns the single EntityDetail that describes the Human Resource identified by its GUID. If no such Human Resource exists, the return value will be null.
resourceByName(name:Text) : List<EntityDetail> Returns the list of EntityDetails that describe the Human Resources identified by the given name. If no such named Human Resources exist, the return value will be an empty list.
resourceByLdapDN(ldapDN:Text): List<EntityDetail> Returns the collection of Resources identified by the given LDAP DN, or an empty list if none can be found. Ideally, there should be only one such Resource for a given DN.
positionByGuid(guid:Text) : EntityDetail Returns the single EntityDetail that describes the Position identified by its GUID. If no such Position exists, the return value will be null.
positionByName(name:Text) : List<EntityDetail> Returns the list of EntityDetails that describe the Positions identified by the given name. If no such named Positions exist, the return value will be an empty list.
orgByGuid(guid:Text) : EntityDetail Returns the single EntityDetail that describes the Organization identified by its GUID. If no such Organization exists, the return value will be null.
orgByName(name:Text) : List<EntityDetail> Returns the list of EntityDetails that describe the Organizations identified by the given name. If no such named Organizations exist, the return value will be an empty list.
getEntityType() : Text Returns the type identifier for this organizational model entity. Example values are:
getGroups() : List<EntityDetail> For Human Resource entities, this will return the EntityDetails that describe the Groups to which the Resource is associated.
getPositions() : List<EntityDetail> For Human Resource entities, this will return the EntityDetails that describe the Positions to which the Resource is associated.
getName() : Text The name of the organizational model entity.
getGuid() : Text The GUID that uniquely identifies the organizational model entity.
getAlias() : Text For Human Resource entities, this is the Alias of the LDAP Source from which the Resource is derived.
getDn() : Text For Human Resource entities this is the Distinguishing Name (DN) of the LDAP entry from which the Resource is derived.
getResourceType() : Text For entities of Entity Type RESOURCE, this identifies the type of Resource:
  • "HUMAN"

    Currently, only HUMAN Resources are supported.

getResources() : List<EntityDetail> For non-Resource entity types (such as Positions and Groups), this will return the Resource entities associated with that entity. For example, for a Position, it will be all the Resources that hold that Position.
getAttributeValue(attrName:Text) :List<Text> For Resource entity types, this will return the value of the named Resource Attribute held by that Resource entity.
getAttributeType(attrName:Text) : Text For Resource entity types, this will return the data type of the named Resource Attribute. Possible values are:
  • string
  • decimal
  • integer
  • boolean
  • datetime
  • date
  • time
  • enum
  • enumset