Mobile Application Settings

Mobile applications use two particular settings. One of these settings defines the application as a mobile application, and makes it available to Mobilespace.

The two settings are:

  • The setting: "mobile" : true. This defines a mobile application, and makes it available to Mobilespace.
  • The setting: "appImage" : filepath. This is the path to an icon that represents the application.

These settings are in the file:

   "indexPage" : "ApplicationName/index.html",
   "mobile" : true,
   "appImage" : "ApplicationName/img/iconFile.svg",
   "configPage" : "ApplicationName/ApplicationName.config.json",
   "description" : "Application description"

For best results, the icon that represents the application, "appImage", should meet the following criteria:

  • It is typically an SVG image file, but raster images are acceptable.
  • The image should be square, with a 1:1 width - height ratio.
  • A raster image should be one of these formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, or GIF.
  • A raster image should have a minimum size of 512 x 512 pixels.


  1. Follow: Edit an Application
  2. Choose the application, locate and open the file.
  3. Add or edit the two settings for "mobile" and "appImage".

    "mobile" : true

    "appImage" : filepath

  4. Click SAVE.