Business Services

Business Services displays all the business services that you can start in Openspace.

A business service is a set of actions that accomplishes some sort of business function. For example, a business service could be designed to handle an incoming insurance claim. See Business Services for more information.

You can categorize your business services, depending on your requirements. Categories are specified in TIBCO Business Studio at design-time. As the number of business services grows, you can increase the number of categories you have so you can organize your business services as effectively as possible.

To view or start a business service, you must locate the business service you require. See Viewing Business Services.

The business services list that is initially displayed is a snap shot of the business services available at that point in time. You can refresh the list to get the most recent list of business services from BPM, see Refreshing the Business Service List.

You can click on a column header, use the Grid Navigation toolbar sort buttons, or use keyboard shortcuts to sort your business services. This allows you to list the business services in a desired order. For example, you may want to list all business services by name or version. See Configuring Sort Criteria.

If you have a large number of business services, you can use the search feature to search for a specific business service. See Searching for Business Services.