Multiple Applications Referencing a Single Configuration File

When modifying the launch fragment to launch multiple WCC applications, you can also specify that more than one application use the same config.xml configuration file. To do this, set the jsxapppath attribute in the launch fragment to point to the directory that contains the config.xml file you want the launch fragment to reference.

It may be beneficial to configure a single base-level WCC application that can then be used by several WCC applications without the need to repeat the same common files in separate project directories.

By setting the jsxapppath to this single base-level WCC application path, each application is launching from that path, sharing the config.xml file and potentially any other files (class files, GUI component files, etc.) that may have common use across several WCC applications.

In the example above, the first application is currently using the config.xml file in the JSXAPPS\Accounts directory; the second application is using the config.xml file in the JSXAPPS\AccountDetail directory.

You can have both applications use the same config.xml by setting both jsxapppath attributes to point to the same directory.

Also note that if multiple applications are using the same jsxapppath, they also share the same userAccess.xml file located in that path.

Note: Multiple applications cannot share the same wccConfig.xml file (see WCC Configuration File). Each wccapppath attribute in the launch fragment must point to the directory containing the wccConfig.xml for each WCC application.