
This topic describes the data passed in the payload for PageBus event, com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViews.

Note: The eventViews schema is used by both the listItemSelect and listExecute events on the Event Views component. A single click causes the listItemSelect event to be published; a double click causes both the listItemSelect and the listExecute events to be published. The listItemSelect event message contains properties that describe the event view. The listExecute event message does not contain any properties (other than scope), as they can be obtained from the listItemSelect event message (which is described below).

Data in the PageBus event:

topic: The PageBus topic for the event -- see Non-WCC Components Publishing Events.
message: schemaId = com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViews
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                     "View": The name of the event view.
                     "Description": Event view description.
                     "DescriptionType": "detail" or "summary". These are defined in
                         the appropriate eventDescriptions.xml file. See the
                         Configuring Events chapter in the Workspace Configuration
                         and Customization guide.
                     "FilterId": The ID of the <filter/> element that is used to
                         initially populate the event list when the view is
                     "ViewType": Describes how the view was created: "context" (for
                         contextual) or "templatex" (for views created with the
                         wizard, where x is a number starting at 0 (zero) indicating
                         sequential position of template in eventViewTemplates.xml
                     “UserChangedBase”: Indicates if the user changed the filter
                         using the wizard, which becomes the “base” filter in the
                         event list.
                     “UserChangedFilter”: Indicates if the user changed the filter
                         using the Filter function on the event list.
                     “UserChangedSort”: Indicates if the user changed the sort
                         using the Sort function on the event list.
                     “UserChangedColumns”: Indicates if the user changed the
                         columns using the Column Selector on the event list.
                     "EventImage": Image displayed for view in the event view list.
                     "ViewSource": Indicates “User” or “System” view.
                     "SystemView": "true" if system view’ “false” if user view.
                     "systemViewDate": Date and time the sysyem view was created.
                     "systemViewDescription": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewFilter": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewBaseFilter": "true" if user can modify system view
                          base filter.
                     "systemViewSort": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewColumns": "true" if user can modify system view
                     "systemViewEventList": "true" if user can modify the                          events included in the system view
                     "systemViewReplace": Indicates if the system view definition
                          will replace existing view of same name.
                     "systemViewStartDate": Date system view takes effect.
                     "systemViewEndDate": Date system view is no longer in effect.
                     "systemViewOwner": GUID of user that created system view.
                     "systemViewOwnerName": Name of user that created system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientGroups": GUID of groups specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientPositions": GUID of positions specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientResources": GUID of resources specified as
                          recipients of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorGroups": GUID of groups specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorPositions": GUID of positions specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewAuthorResources": GUID of resources specified as
                          authors of the system view.
                     "systemViewRecipientVersion": The major version number of the
                          organization model in which the recipient resides.
                     "systemViewAuthorVersion": The major version number of the
                          organization model in which the author resides.
                     "Filter": String value used to query the event collector
                         database for events that are to be displayed in the event
                     "EventFilters": A <filters/> element, and one or more
                         subordinate <filter/> elements that specify the
                         pre-defined filters available in the event view.
Note: The systemView... items are included in the payload only if SystemView=“true”.


topic: com.tibco.wcc.order.wccPrototype.wccEventViews.listItemSelect
message: schemaId = com.tibco.wcc.schema.eventViews
         scope = "public"
         items = [
                     "View": "My Instances Started",
                     "Description": "Process instance started by me",
                     "DescriptionType": "summary",
                     "FilterId": "All",
                     "ViewType": "template3",
                     “UserChangedBase”: “true”
                     “UserChangedFilter”: “false”
                     “UserChangedSort”: “false”
                     “UserChangedColumns”: “false”
                     "EventImage": "JSXAPPS/base/application/images/
                     "ViewSource": “User”
                     "SystemView": “true”
                     "systemViewDate": "Tue Oct 2 09:22:07 PDT 2012",
                     "systemViewDescription": "true",
                     "systemViewFilter": "true",
                     "systemViewBaseFilter": "true",
                     "systemViewSort": "true",
                     "systemViewColumns": "true",
                     "systemViewEventList": "false",
                     "systemViewReplace": "true",
                     "systemViewStartDate": "Mon, 8 Oct 2012 07:00:00 UTC",
                     "systemViewEndDate": "Fri, 30 Nov 2012 08:00:00 UTC",
                     "systemViewOwner": "5395A979-AC8C-4D08-AD2F-F2790B449560",
                     "systemViewOwnerName": "Clint Hill",
                     "systemViewRecipientGroups": "",
                     "systemViewRecipientPositions": "",
                     "systemViewAuthorGroups": "",
                     "systemViewAuthorPositions": "",
                     "systemViewRecipientVersion": "3",
                     "systemViewAuthorVersion": "3",
                     "Filter": "messageId='BX_INSTANCE_PROCESS_STARTED'",
                     "EventFilters": "<filters>\r\n <filter id=\"All\"
                        description=\"Process instance started events\"/>
                        \r\n </filters>",