Editing Work List Views

You can edit an existing work list view.

The editWorkListView function must specify the name and the unique entity ID of the work list view to be edited. It can also optionally specify the details of the work list view that you want to edit, for example, its description, any sort/filter criteria or the organizational model entities that can access the work view. If any of the optional elements are specified, they overwrite the existing attributes specified for this view.

Note: You only need to pass the data you want to change. Parameters that are not passed are unchanged.

The following steps describe the functions involved when editing a work list view.


  1. Use the getEditableWorkListViews function to retrieve a list of work views that the calling organizational entity has access to. For this function you must specify:
    • startPosition - the position in the list from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
    • numberOfItems - the number of items from the list to be displayed.
  2. Use the getWorkListViewDetails function to lock the work list view for editing. You must lock the work list view if you want to edit it. If lockView is true, a lock record is placed against this view for the calling resource ID. The lock is only removed when the view is either updated or an explicit deleteWorkListView function is called.

    The deleteWorkListView function must specify the workListViewID for the work list view. The workListViewID is returned when the view is created with createWorkListView.

  3. Use the editWorkListView function to edit a work list view. You must specify the workListViewID. Optionally, you can specify the information you want to edit for the work list view. You only need to pass the data you want to change. Parameters that are not passed are unchanged. This information is the same as when you are creating a work list view. For more information, see Creating a Work List View.
  4. When you have finished editing the work list view, unlock it using unlockWorkListView. To use unlockWorkListView, you must specify the workListViewID.